Machakos Trade Fair

Annual trade fair attended by the form 3 students held on 29th June 2018 ,in Machakos .The picture above shows a high breed beef bull weighing approximately 15000kgs.A wonder that shocked many and left the judges relese their scores even before judging other contestants.Due to this insident, most agriculture students got a closer view on how the animal was fed.The group 2 members helped in compiling this and they include;Faith ,Rebecca,Sharon ,Linda, Susan,Dalvine,Rose and Lydia.

A trade fair is an event that involves technical subjects that is ; Business studies and Agriculture. The main aim of attending the trade fair was to break the class monotony and to learn new ideas from sales persons at the event.

On the 29th June 2018, we attended the trade fair which was held at the Machakos show ground. We visited stalls where some of us got a chance to interact with the business owners and asked questions pertaining the work that they were undertaking . Some of the challenges we encountered while at the trade fair include; language barrier .

; things were expensive .

; business persons not giving out

the right information.

The most important thing was that we all learned how to run a business on our on and how to cope up with the challenges that occurs in a business environment,we also learned that we need to have a good approach in dealing with sales persons since most of them did not want to give out their information from the angle that we expected. We enjoyed ourselves with the recreation activities that were available.

Though this experience we as the journalism club got an expirience to hold interviews with some of the

InTT conclusion, the trade fair was the most captivating event since we learned more than we expected,we would love to have more visits to such events more often.
