The New Primary School Computer Lab is here
In recent times we had identified the dire need to have the computers in use by the children in our primary school replaced because they are old and outdated and also they do not support some of the educational contents in line with the new competency-based curriculum.
We are delighted to announce the launch of the new computer lab and to see how this newly refitted out lab will help the students with digital literacy and enable us to do training days. A huge thanks to our sponsors Kelli and Miguel Milano who supported us with a matching donation and to our sponsor partner, Infonay. See their video showcasing the project
The computer lab implementation is complete. We are all excited to see how this will help all our students and excited for the learning initiatives that will flow from this project. For all the sustainability team who worked tirelessly to make this happen, we say thank you to Zahid Jiwa, Javier Benavente and Eugene Hillery!
A photo of the first class in the new computer lab - the students are so happy
